Posts Tagged ‘advertising


Nutri Balance: Blind, Cards, Hand, Husband





“Bad food, bad dog. All the vitamins, all the flavor.”

Advertising Agency: Prolam Y&R Santiago, Santiago, Chile
Executive Creative Director: Tony Sarroca
Regional Executive Creative Director: Guillermo Vega
Creative Directors: Francisco Cavada, Alvaro Becker
Art Directors: Fabrizio Capraro, Andres Echeverria
Digital Retoucher / Illustrator: Raul Pardo
Account Supervisor: Juan Carlos Meza
Published: April 2009




Persil: Flamingo


Persil: Fish


Persil: Butterfly

Protect them before they fade.

Advertising Agency: DDB, Poland
Art Director: Johan H. Ohlson, Iwa Bondarczuk
Copywriter: Ruda Mazurek, Marek Wyznikiewicz
Photography: Peter Lippmann


Ariel pocket: Cross

Ariel pocket: Cross, 2

“Remove stains in 10 seconds.”

Advertising School: Fakd & European school of Design, Frankfurt, Germany
Creative Directors: Ralph Thamm, Mathias Gregorzek
Art Director / Copywriter / Post production / Photographer: Danilo Dick Farah
Other additional credits: Markus Morley, Stefan Mildner


Panasonic: Lumix

Panasonic: Grandma

Panasonic: Washer


Panasonic: Bull

Lumix Digital Camera with MEGA O.I.S. image stabilizer.

Advertising Agency:
Fischer America, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Flávio Casarotti
Art Director: Kleyton Mourão
Copywriter: Pedro Guerra
Photographer: Pedro Dimitrov


Sony PSP: Fake book – The Divine Comedy

Sony PSP: Fake book - The Divine Comedy

Apparently Sony Italy has been providing Italian schools kids with sham books that allow them to play their PSPs secretly behind the cover.
The title is Dante’s “The Divine Comedy” and even includes the “Cliff Notes” version of the book, so PSP slackers can bluff basic info should they be called on to do so.
A fine example of corporate responsibility…


Sony Micro Vault | Store the impossible

Sony Micro Vault | Store the impossible

Sony Micro Vault | Store the impossible

Sony Micro Vault | Store the impossible

This is the latest campaign by Sony for their storage devices, created by Fortune Promoseven Dubai. The idea is to communicate the huge storage space available in these devices by featuring huge animals concealed within smaller animals. This campaign is somewhat similar to another campaign launched last year by Sony; that campaign was awarded a golden award in the Print category in last year’s edition of Dubai Lynx, you can review it here, here and here!

Advertising Agency: Promoseven, Dubai
Creative Director / Copywriter: Ali Ali
Art Director: George Azmy
Illustrator/3D: Furia
Photographer: Jaime Mandelbaum


19 Best Ads I Have Ever Seen

1. Playboy
Argentine agency Grey came up with this brilliant idea for Playboy magazine.

2. Have fun
Made for in Singapore by JWT agency.
This is a simple, creative and very cheap campaign with awesome results.

3. Missing a piece?
Alchemy Partnership worked on this creative project for Think Centre in Singapore. Clear message that gets your attention.

4. Plastic surgery

This ad has some years now. Created by DDB in Toronto, Canada.

5. Papa John’s Pizza

Adaptation by Saatchi & Saatchi, this time in Peru.

And some other company that took the idea for itself.

6. Vacuum cleaners

Made by Students from Miami Ad School. Clever way to find out how Hoover’s vacuum cleaners really work.

7. World AIDS day
Denmark people get the word out. The objective of this air bubble is to make society think about the prejudice toward people affected with AIDS and social isolation being one of the worst effects of getting this contagious disease.

8. Vitae Shelters
For Vitae in Portugal.

9. Amnesty International
Agency Saatchi & Saatchi once again. This time has conducted a campaign for freedom of expression.

10. Seramis
A message to increase sales of bamboo’s fertilizer Seramis.
Agency Scholz & Friends, Hamburg, Germany.

11. The Sopranos
Campaign for HBO Television Network in New York taxis to promote The Sopranos. It has to be disconcerting to find an arm hanging from a trunk.

12. Ultra Slim Sony Cyber-shot T1
This is such an original and cheap idea for Sony cameras. I can imagine people pulling the strap to see if there really is something down there.

13. Don’t drink and drive
Pretty straightforward message. You get to see how your car is going to look like.

14. Leica Cameras’s Zoom
Agency Young & Rubicam in Switzerland highlighted the main attribute of Leica cameras, its 12x optical zoom.

15. Ultra Thin Macbook Pro

A magazine ad. People is kinda tired of this stuff now and this ad in particular is not a huge deal, but curious none the less.

16. Life’s too short
For Life’s too short for the wrong job.

17. Small screen, small movie
For Megastar Media.

18. Unstick your style
Dove’s Volumizing Mousse applied to cartoon girls.

19. Easy to get in – Frankfurt Saatchi
You can’t smoke in Germany’s train stations except inside the yellow squares. Agency Frankfurt Saatchi & Saatchi was approved by the company who made these squares to make a maze so you can find your way to the ashtray.

And i leave you with some more i like (yeah, I’m an ad freak)

This giant napkin dispenser containing napkins made from the original material you find in McDonalds napkins. It is a marketing effort by the famous hamburger chain to promote the Big ‘N’ Juicy burger.

Announcing the next Nemo movie.

Stop smoking.

Mini Cooper Subway entrance.

Resident Evil for Nintendo DS.

Superman movie.


Những ý tưởng quảng cáo “đáng nể”

Các mẫu quảng cáo thương mại ngày càng trở nên tinh tế và tạo ấn tượng mạnh với công chúng. Khi xem, dám cá rằng bạn chỉ có thể thốt lên “Đáng sợ!”. NLĐO xin tuyển chọn 15 “đại diện” tuyệt vời nhất trong số đó để dẫn chứng. Có thể bạn đã trông thấy ở đâu đó hoặc có thể chưa, nhưng hãy thử tự hỏi bạn đã nghĩ gì khi thưởng thức những mẫu quảng cáo này?

1. Trong mẫu quảng cáo cho máy hút bụi của hãng Siemens, người ta thấy chị lao công đang làm sạch thảm của khán phòng với “chiếc máy hút bụi êm dịu nhất hiệu Siemens” trong khi mọi người vẫn say sưa thưởng thức vở nhạc kịch opera:

2. Một số tiệm làm tóc tặng khách hàng của mình những chiếc dù trong suốt với dòng chữ “Hair you want to show off”:

3. Quảng cáo kẹo que không đường:

4. Mẫu cổ động việc chống hút thuốc lá của Hiệp hội bệnh nhân ung thư: Bằng dòng chữ nghịch lý gây sock “Hút thuốc lá giúp giảm cân”, nhưng nếu để ý kỹ sẽ thấy 1 dòng chữ khác in nhỏ hơn trong ngoặc bên dưới “vì mỗi lần bạn mất 1 bên phổi”:

5. Dầu gội Sunsilk cũng trình làng mẫu “độc” với khẩu hiệu “Cho tóc chắc khỏe hơn”:

6. Một thẩm mỹ viện chăm sóc da cũng “tuyệt chiêu” không kém trên một mẫu in:

7. Shelter là một tổ chức từ thiện Anh quốc chuyên giúp đỡ người vô gia cư với logo của mình:

8. Nước tăng lực Gatorade rất khôn khéo với hình ảnh thậm xưng này:

9. “Tạ ơn Chúa vì kỹ thuật zoom đã được phát minh”, nhiều người thốt lên khi xem mẫu quảng cáo của hãng Kodak:

10. “Tiền không là tất cả”, mẫu cổ động hiến máu nhân đạo đầy ấn tượng của Hội chữ thập đỏ Úc:

11. Hãng bánh Harry’s với slogan “Bánh mỳ Harry’s: ngon và êm ái”:

12. Còn tạp chí The Economist tỏ ra rất cô đọng và thâm thúy:

13. Ai nói việc giảm cân chỉ dành cho người?

14. Mẫu quảng cáo thuốc Panadol:

15. Và cuối cùng dịch vụ chuyển tiền Western Union quá “cao tay” với mẫu quảng cáo tinh tế này:

Theo Quốc Ngọc/ Technospot


Hospital Alemán Oncology Center Opening




Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Argentina
Executive Creative Directors: Mariano Serkin, Maxi Itzkoff
Head of Art: Pablo Romanos
Creative Directors: Jorge Ponce Betti, Gabriel Huici
Art Director: Gabriel Huici
Copywriter: Jorge Ponce Betti
Account Director: Paula Gambardella
Account supervisor: Valeria Magrini
Producer at the agency: Luli Dragan
Ilutrator: Pablo Tuffaro
Digital Retouching: Pablo Romanos

Condomi: Ultra thin


Advertising Agency: DRAFTFCB KOBZA, Vienna, Austria
Creative Director: Patrik Partl
Copywriters: Eva Sommeregger, Florian Schwab
Art Director: Andreas Gesierich,
Jr. Art Director: Daniel Senitschnig
Account Director: Carola Krempler-Hurnaus

May 2024